I Believe It Is Magic
When looking at this beauty, it is hard to imagine that this is Death Valley. Despite its morbid name, this place hides a lot of wonders, you just need to take a closer look. Before, this valley was a beautiful lake, and now it is one of the driest places on earth.
To Feel Alive
Death Valley - is one of the most famous national parks in the United States. It is located in the Mojave Desert in California, near the border with Nevada.
The Death Valley is a lifeless down-dropped block of land between two mountain ranges, can, on average, heat up to 50 ° C. The record high temperature of 56.7 ° C was recorded here in 1913.
It was exciting to drive on the highway that goes through the entire desert. On both sides, we were surrounded by sand dunes and lifeless hills dotted with dried dwarf bushes. Despite the AC in the car, hot air was leaking inside.
When you realize that you are racing at high speed across California’s desert, and there is nothing visible at the horizon, except for a panorama of snow-white salt flats and sun-scorched hills, you start to feel alive and extremely vulnerable.
Now, imagine this picture: unbearable heat, desert in California, a highway going to infinity, and a black Toyota Highlander speeding on it. There are three Russian speaking women inside the car. They are in their early thirties... The life scattered them around in different countries, but by fate, they were pulled together like magnets due to the mutual love of adventure, and the thirst for knowledge. Also note that none of them have sufficiently large driving experience, especially in the desert, but this does not prevent these women from admiring what they are seeing. They are maneuvering along the winding sections of the highway in the Death Valley region with confidence. Maybe the adrenaline – the hormone of fear causing this excitement? To feel even more present and embed into the memory the fact that these three women are driving fast across the American desert, and not across any other desert in the world, they purposely turn on the Russian songs. The volume goes up to the maximum, as the first tunes begin to play. This strange combination, paired up with their glowing eyes, seems to be a rather harmonious and entirely appropriate act, and now one of the most memorable adventures that they’ve experienced in America!
We drove up to Death Valley in total darkness, and it was completely unclear what surrounded us at that point. А bunch of “hanging” stars were the only hints of life. The car’s headlights were revealing the sand whirlpools that were sweeping past us in a narrow strip along the deserted road. The wind bursts hurried right after, howling impatiently. It was evident that the night would not be calm, and the increasing wind gusts were proof of that. It was quite challenging to distinguish what was happening on the road since we only saw a small portion of the highway in front of us (thanks to the headlights), and a black sky, covered with a myriad of stars. This whole picture seemed surreal. We saw nothing and no one. We could’ve easily stopped to shout into the nothingness, and no one would’ve ever heard us in the desert.
I don’t know about you, but I prefer cold weather over the heat, and winter, instead of summer. The state when my body melts and my brain boils from the extreme humidity, and hot temperature disgusts me. And now imagine that you are in the desert and there is nowhere to hide from this heat. In California’s desert, in some places, you can see warnings indicating how dangerous and life-threatening it is to stay there, after a particular hour. Bare, like a nerve, the flatland does not give either a shadow, nor air vent, or even the most unadorned tree, under which you can hide. It is hard to breathe, the sun is blinding, and all I can imagine is being at the beach with huge waves. No, I much rather prefer the mountains: snowy, cold, windy, where the air is so crisp and fresh!
Despite my attitude towards the heat, The Death Valley had a positive impact on me. This is one of the most amazing places on Earth, and I would love to go back there again!
Here are the six top places to see in Death Valley National Park:
Start exploring Death Valley by visiting the Mesquite sand dunes. However, don't get carried away by walking way too far. This can be life-threatening, as the temperature in these places is just off the scale. When climbing atop the silky dunes, it is clear that there is no end to high sands, and it is possible to get lost. All mountain-sized dunes look so similar. It is important to remember to take plenty of water with you if you are still determined to walk for a more extended period.
In the Golden Canyon, it is possible to wander for hours, choosing treks of different complexity. As you weave through this maze of golden-colored hills and winding narrow canyons, you imagine yourself being an explorer of another planet. It is also the site where different parts of the original Star Wars movies were filmed.
Badwater Basin is the second-lowest point in the western hemisphere, and the lowest point in North America - 86 meters below sea level. It has a unique landscape – below-sea-level salt flats surrounded by rocky formations and hills. There was a lake here once, and now only dried polygonal shapes of salt pan accessible to tourists.
Interesting fact: Mount Whitney (4421 m.), the highest point in the contiguous 48 United States, is only 136 kilometers to the northwest, in Sequoia National Park.
The stunning panorama of the “Zabriskie Point” badlands is awe-inspiring! You don’t get tired from exploring the diversity of volcanic rocks, as if covered by gold. A considerable number of color shades give the place a unique charm. The rare rain that comes to Death Valley arrives in the form of downpours. This process is slowly reshaping the landscape.
This place was named “The Artist’s Palette” for a reason. The range of colorful sandstone canyons really lives up to its name - it is so diverse. Here you can see a palette from orange and pink to brown, green and turquoise, depending on the time of a day. The main viewpoint can be reached by driving along the Artist’s Drive - a one-way, nine-mile paved road, along which you can gaze at the stunning views of the hills and valleys “painted” in cheerful colors.
The Devil’s golf course is a large salt pan that was formed at the bottom of a dry lake. The area is covered by a rough geological texture from the large salt crystal formations blurred by rainfalls. It is possible to walk on these sharp and spiky salt growths, but the process is super inconvenient. A guide book to Death Valley National Park once stated that “Only the devil could play golf” on its surface.