Personal travel experiences collected throughout the years transformed into this visual guide for curious hikers and adventurers. Whether you are looking to spend a year traveling or just planning a trip for a specific month, you can use this calendar as a perfect guide to plan your next time away.
Planner, calendar, and a visual guide all in one!
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In addition to the Visual Guide/Calendar, you can now purchase the wall calendar, a simpler version! The best shots from my travels, printed in 11″ × 17″ (A3) format, will become an inspiration and the best gift for your loved ones!
A trip abroad fuels so much of my creative magic. Traveling not only turned me into a storyteller, but it was also the driving force behind this calendar. The experiences collected from all over the world were carefully stored in my 'Inner Piggy Bank.' Now, they acquired material embodiment. No matter where I went, be it the most remote island in the Pacific Ocean, an active volcano, or just an unfamiliar street in a new city, I always had this urge to create upon my return. And if every trip served as an inspiration for this calendar, I hope a calendar will send you on the next adventure!