How long until I receive my order?
Customers can estimate when to expect their order’s arrival by using the formula below:
Fulfillment Time + Transit Time = Estimated Arrival
How long does fulfillment take?
Fulfillment time is the time it takes to make your custom-ordered product. Our fulfillment time is calculated in business days:
2-7 business days for apparel products (t-shirts, hoodies, etc.)
2-5 business days for non-apparel products (posters, mugs, laptop sleeves, etc.)
The estimated shipping time is calculated according to historical shipping data for deliveries to your area or selling region.
The estimated delivery time is just an estimate, it’s not a guarantee.
You can receive the order past the EDT for reasons, like:
Issues with print/embroidery files Products being out of stock.
Shipping-related delays like failed delivery attempts, service disruptions.
That being said, we’ll work our hardest to meet our delivery estimates. If you’re ever in a situation where you haven’t received the order and it’s past its EDT, please allow a few more days. Get in touch with us (, we’ll check your order status and let you know how to proceed.
97.66% of our orders are shipped within 5 business days. More than 50% of our orders are shipped within 3 business days or fewer.
Please note:
Fulfillment time doesn't include fulfillment shipping. To get an idea of how long an order will take to reach its destination, combine the estimated fulfillment time with the estimated shipping time.
The fulfillment averages are calculated based on our fulfillment data for each product within the time frame of 30 days.
The fulfillment averages don't account for the time an order might be put on hold.
Fulfillment for large orders may take longer than the 3-5 day average, but will still be fulfilled within 7 days.
Customs fees:
Who pays the customs duties & taxes?
Shipments outside of the USA may incur customs fees depending on the destination country. The fee may vary depending on your order value, country limits, and other factors based on the product itself.
Exchange only (no refunds). All returns must be made within 14 days of receipt of your order. Returns must be approved by The Art of Travel before the return is made. Items must be returned in original and unused condition with their original packaging and packing slip. Basic wear and tear do not qualify an item for a return. Please note: Shipping fees are non-refundable. The customer is responsible for return shipping fees. International orders are final.
For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 4 weeks after the estimated delivery date. If you notice any issue with the products or anything else on the order, please submit a problem report.
The return address is set by default to the fulfillment facility. We encourage you to contact us before returning any items so that we can inform you of the correct return address.